Never Give-up
The problem you’re trying to solve doesn’t seem to have a solution? You can’t think of one therefore you’re a bad developer. Wrong.
I’ll let you in on a little secret: all problems can be solved by code; it’s just a matter of having the right amount of time and resources.
I’m sure this is not breaking news to most of you, but if you’re just getting started and finding it hard to solve your problems — hang in there! They can be solved, you probably just need more time and research.
We all struggle, we all forget the most basic things. Don’t let anyone say you’re not a good dev because you forget how a FOR loop is written.
Don't work beyond the hours.
Look, coding can be fun, and working is important, so I get it, but there is more to life than just coding. It might not seem like it right now, but if you spend too much time working, or even coding for the fun of it, you’ll miss out on life. Friends, family, relationships, even hobbies (other than coding, duh!) are all very important facets of life and coding should not be above any of them.
And if you’re thinking “well, if I don’t spend 12 hours coding every day, someone else who does it will get the job I want”, think again. That person will end up burning out. They will not be as productive or as happy about coding in the long run, and you’ll still be there with the same motivation and eagerness to work.
Life is all about balance. If you put too much emphasis on one activity, the rest will suffer. And while you might be having a good time now, it’ll have its effect in the long run.